Friday, June 11, 2010


I'm about to leave Adelaide for Sydney (in about 15 minutes!) but wanted to give a quick update. Photos take too long ot upload, so we'll try something new...

Adelaide has been great-a smaller city than Perth, but it feels so much bigger as it's much more compacted and not so spread out as Perth seems to be. There are churches everywhere, but it makes for a really nice mix of new and old architecture. The weather has been okay, kind of raining while the sun is I headed to the Art Gallery of SA and the Museum on the rainiest day, and then took a walk over to St. Peter's Cathedral yesterday when it was only drizzling. And yesterday afternoon when it cleared up I went into the hills to check out the views from Mt. Lofty lookout point and then to the German town of Hahndorf.
I've met some cool people at the hostel, but my favorite is the older woman who is in my bunk room. She's probably about 55-60 years old, from Brazil, and is here for a work conference for a couple of weeks. Such a nice woman, and really interesting to sit down and talk with her at dinner.
Now I'm heading to the train station to take the train to Sydney, where I'll stay for about five and half days before flying down to Tasmania.

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