Sunday, February 21, 2010

"All good Sundays include a trip to the market..."

Sometimes Peter Mayle just gets it right. I started off my trip into Freo this morning by heading back to X-Ray Cafe, where I had been taken Friday afternoon on a sustainability tour of Fremantle by one of the directors of the study abroad program. We ended our tour there and I think I knew I was in love when they brought out my slice of chocolate cake and it had been coated in raspberry sauce and whipped cream. Absolutely amazing. So back I went this morning, and delved back into A Year in Provence, a favorite.

After some people watching, I headed down to the markets and found butternut squash of all things. I don't think I've ever purchased squash and plums at the same time, from the same vendor. But I ended up leaving that stand with some amazingly fresh basil, butternut squash, oranges, plums, tomatoes, and lettuce. Dinners this week are going to be great!

my kitchen finally looks respectable

And I finally caved and headed over to the cheese stand. After much deliberation, I decided on a cheddar with onions and chives made here in Western Australia, and some feta, which was delicious in my turkey wrap tonight!

watch out Wisconsin

Up until tonight, cooking meant making yet another PB&J, or just eating more nutella. But tonight's dinner was an upgrade: a warm turkey wrap with feta, onions, garlic, and basil. And for dessert? A fresh baguette from the market with strawberry jam. I don't even miss the ice cream! Well, kind of........

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